Americans care about climate change now more than ever—but to unite across the political spectrum in pursuit of solutions, we need a new narrative based on a positive vision of the future.

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About the book

Andreas Karelas brings an optimistic message we don’t often hear: we have all the tools we need to solve climate change—and doing so will improve our lives, our economy, and our society in countless ways. Climate Courage shows us how we can move past our collective inaction on climate change and work together in our communities to create a more sustainable, just, clean energy–powered economy that works for everyone.

To engage people in the climate fight requires that we tell new stories that are empowering, inclusive, and solutions-oriented, not based in fear. By emphasizing the rate of job creation in clean energy and the inspiring efforts of climate heroes on both sides of the aisle—including Republican mayors and governors, the military, faith communities, businesses, and community groups—Karelas shows us that climate solutions need not be polarizing and that citizens can drive the shift to clean energy.

Climate Courage Background Quote

Additional Praise for Climate Courage

Climate Courage is a gem of a book. I have been teaching about climate change for close to three decades. No other book comes close to explaining the challenges we face and, more importantly, the profound opportunities we are being offered in building a clean energy future. Read this book and give it to everyone you know.
—Paul Wapner
professor of global environmental politics, American University, and author of Is Wildness Over.
Looking for a journey of optimism among today’s doom-and gloom headlines about climate change? This book is your tour guide. Thoughtful, well-researched, and thoroughly engaging, Climate Courage offers a real-world road map of hope and inspiration about the future of our planet and ourselves.
—Clint Wilder
coauthor of The Clean Tech Revolution and Clean Tech Nation
We now have the ability to harness clean energy technologies as tools for social justice. This book details how the community-based climate movement is making the clean energy transition a reality and tells the stories of the incredible people and organizations that show up for environmental, social, and economic justice every day.
—Erica Mackie
cofounder and CEO of GRID Alternatives
In Climate Courage, Karelas highlights the human side of the fight against climate change—taking this big, intimidating issue and connecting it to individuals and communities. Tackling the climate crisis is about more than measuring greenhouse gas emissions and creating new technology solutions. Ultimately, it’s about people and how they choose to act. Climate Courage reminds us that the planet doesn’t have a political affiliation; there is just one Earth for us all to protect and enjoy.
—Julia Pyper
host and producer of the Political Climate podcast, contributing editor at Greentech Media
This inspiring look at how and why solar can and should become a leading source of energy—and the diverse leaders on the frontline of change—is a must-read. Karelas is both ethical and practical, and his deep love for people and the planet suffuses every page.
—Rev. Sally G. Bingham
founder and president emeritus of Interfaith Power and Light and canon for the environment for the Diocese of California
The 2020s are supposed to be the decisive decade on climate, but until we’re rolling up our sleeves, doing what Andreas describes in vivid detail, we’re all “just talking.” Here’s a book on how to summon up the courage to do, not tell. Read it and you will get the gumption that you need to bridge the divides in America and do the work we need to save ourselves from our own worst impulses. Shine on!
—Danny Kennedy
cofounder of Sungevity and CEO of New Energy Nexus
To fight climate change, we need to broaden the conversation and include groups that have been consistently left out, especially those that will be worst affected, including communities of color and low income communities. Climate Courage tells the stories of those of us working to make climate an inclusive movement.
—the Rev. Dr. Ambrose Carroll
founder and CEO, Green the Church

About the Author

Andreas Karelas

Andreas Karelas is the founder and executive director of RE-volv, a nonprofit organization that empowers people around the country to help nonprofits in their communities go solar and raise awareness about the benefits of clean energy. He is a dedicated clean-energy advocate with over 15 years of environmental and renewable energy experience. He is an Audubon TogetherGreen Conservation Leadership Fellow and an OpenIDEO Climate Innovator Fellow. He lives and works in San Francisco. Connect with him at and on Twitter at @AndreasKarelas.

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Feeling inspired? Start or join a Climate Courage Circle in your community and invite people to read and talk about climate change and how you can take action locally. Be creative. Think outside the box. It all starts with conversation. Let people in your life know that this is important to you and ask them what it means to them.

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